Archive for September, 2011



WOD-Tabata HSPU(hand stand push ups) squats ring rows shuttle run TAAAAAAbata. Today was the first time for most getting introduced to Tabata. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did…..



WOD- 5 rounds 5 dead lift 225#/ 185# 10 toe to bars 5 burpees Again, a great day! Shout out to Tara for doing 115# during the WOD. If we are advancing by using more weight, with good form of course, or doing pullups with a lighter band that is how we will continue to […]



WOD- 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 AbMat Sit ups Pull ups DU/ x4 SU Fun. I love this style of WOD. First few rounds are half the WOD. Stoked with how people are really pushing to either advance their movements or push for faster times. You all rock. Check out our facebook for a great article on the […]



WOD- “Kelly” 5 rounds 400m run 30 box jumps 24″/18″ 30 wall balls 20#/16# Hit up a benchmark CrossFit WOD, Kelly. Want to give huge, huge props to EVERYBODY that showed up! Crazy tough and longer WOD. The WOD was decided on before the rain, and although we had an alternative of jump rope for […]



WOD- 4 rounds 20 DU/ 80 SU 10 Push Press 65#/45# 10 Pull Ups Any lift-weighted movement- we do, the most efficient way to lift is the straightest bar path. I feel everyone is really starting to understand the movements we do. Keeping a good bar path and we are seeing the results of good, […]



WOD- 12 min. AMRAP 10 wall balls 20#/14# 10 push ups 10 med ball sit ups Great little AMRAP, saw great performances. It always amazes me how much quicker we move as time is winding down. If only we could harness that energy for an entire WOD. Solid work.



Strength 1-1-1-1-1 Back Squat/Cleans Some folks worked on cleans and some got down with cleans. Seeing great form improvements leading to a ton more strength. WOD- 1 mile timed run Todays shout out goes to Tara, she dropped over 3 minutes from her mile run, last done about 1 and a half months ago. That […]



WOD- 3 rounds 100m kb carry (at chest) 50 kb swings 30 Goblet Squats 10 burpee kb dead lifts Word on the street is this WOD really worked people. Props to all who tackled it today. Great creative movements today, we are always wanting to do new things to be prepared for anything. I would […]



WOD- “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters 95#/65# Pull Ups Ooooo baby. Fran is a true test. This was the second time we had done Fran and with great results. One instance, one member completed Fran one second slower than 2 months ago! Why am I pumped? Well, thrusters were first done with a pvc pipe and this […]



WOD- 5 rounds 6 Deadlifts 225#/185# aka Heavy 10 Overbar Burpees 10 Toe to Bars Super stoked with everyone pushing it with the Dead lifts. When we go heavier our times might be a little slower but our intensity is greater, which is the goal. Again we want to make sure our form is staying […]